学术论文分析利剑 Stata的简介
导读:自从Hamilton(1990)出版Statistics with Stata后,一系列将计量理论与软件操作结合起来的书籍开始相继面世,而在此之前,人们似乎都认为软件操作是件非常简单的事情。也正因为如此,很多学生在修完了一个学年的计量经济学课程后,仍然不知道该如何完成OLS估计。今日,计量经济学服务中心再次为大家介绍stata。
Stata作为一款功能强大、用法简单且易于上手的统计软件,不仅统计分析功能全面,而且在数据管理方面的功能也很强大。Stata 擅长数据处理、面板数据分析、时间序列分析、生存分析,以及调查数据分析,但其它方面的功能也并不逊色。详见stata的功能一览及官网资源
• It is a multi-purpose statistical package to help you explore, summarize and
analyze datasets.
•A dataset is a collection of several pieces of information called variables (usually arranged by columns). A variable can have one or several values (information for one or several cases).
• Other statistical packages are SPSS, SAS and R.
• Stata is widely used in social science research and the most used statistical software on campus.
为什么选择stata,这个问题,Stata网站列举了数条可能的原因。Edwards(2005)曾经非常细致地对比了Stata, SPSS和SAS的优劣。Princeton大学的Torres-Reyna博士则将四种常用软件的特征总结为下表。整体而言,Stata具有较强的优势。
Stata并不完美,但她正在趋近完美。Evan Stark博士非常精辟的概括了这一特征:“You get the sense that at Stata they thought of everything, and when they or a user points out that they didn’t, they quickly provide a fix or new functionality. Although it did take me a while to understand its syntax [switching from SPSS], I did master it and statistical life became thereafter very enjoyable.”
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